Kannst Du Dich kurz vorstellen?

I am Chetan Kapoor a photographer based in Munich. I started with Landscape photography but now specialized in Architecture, real estate, events, busniess etc

Kannst Du Dich noch an Dein erstes Foto erinnern? Was war es?

It was very bad hahaha but I have improved a lot after that. First photo is always one of favorite because it's first photo.

Wie bist Du zur Fotografie gekommen?

I always loved nature and hiking so decided to buy a camera to take photos of nature. So I started taking landscape photos.

Wann bist Du mit Deiner Arbeit zufrieden?

The image captures their vision
Technical aspects like focus and exposure are correct
The photo evokes emotion or tells a story
It represents their best effort and skill level
Clients or viewers respond positively
Satisfaction often comes from creating something that meets or exceeds their own expectations.

Wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt, um Kontakt zum Fotografen aufzunehmen?

It depends on the occassion sometimes 1 year before or sometimes same day. Genrally it shoudl be few days before.

Was macht Deiner Meinung nach ein gutes Foto aus?

A good photo has a lot of things like composition, good lighting, and ability to convey the story to the viewer.

Was gefällt Dir an der professionellen Fotografie am meisten?

What I love most about professional photography is the ability to capture and preserve moments that tell a story. It's about transforming emotions, beauty, and fleeting instances into timeless visuals. Photography allows me to blend creativity and technical skill, while helping people see the world from new perspectives. The power to evoke feelings and memories through a single image is incredibly rewarding.

Was ist das Besondere an dem Genre, auf das Du Dich spezialisiert hast?

Real Estate
Landscape and Outdoor

Welche Details sieht nur ein Profifotograf?

A professional photographer has a trained eye for details that often go unnoticed by others. They can read the subtle nuances of lighting, understanding how shifts in natural or artificial light will affect the mood and quality of the image. They instinctively balance composition, arranging elements in the frame to create harmony and visual impact. Tiny distractions—like a cluttered background or misplaced object—are quickly spotted and adjusted to keep the focus on the subject. Professionals also recognize authentic emotions and can correct awkward expressions or poses before they detract from the shot. Mastery over depth of field allows them to enhance the subject while blurring out distractions, while their understanding of color temperature ensures natural, flattering tones. Even the distortion from lenses is something they see and correct, making every detail contribute to a perfect image.

Wie bildest Du Dich weiter?

I am learning from Youtube or blogs and other photographers. Learning is continuous so I keep learning

Was möchtest Du mit Deinen Fotos ausdrücken?

With my photos, I want to show emotions and tell stories. Whether it's the happiness of a special event, the beauty of a place, or the feeling in a person’s face, I aim to capture moments that people can connect with. I want my images to help people remember those moments and feel the emotion behind them. My goal is for my photos to touch people and bring those feelings to life.

Mit welcher Ausrüstung fotografierst Du am liebsten?

I own Sony camera and other equipments related to sony.
I prefer shooting outdoors in natural light

Wie wichtig ist Technik beim Fotografieren?

Cameras today are very smart. They help us take better pictures. We can fix photos on computers too. It's easier to share our photos with friends now. Anyone can take good pictures, not just experts. But to take really great photos, you still need to be creative. Technology helps, but your ideas matter most.

Was hast Du gemacht, um die ersten Fotoaufträge zu bekommen?

I got a big maternity assignment as my first assignment. Before that i got some others but this maternity shoot was a step ahead for me.

Welchen Stellenwert hat die digitale Nachbearbeitung für Dich?

Digital post-processing is very important for many photographers. It helps make pictures look better by fixing things like brightness and color. You can also use it to be more creative with your photos. It's great for fixing small mistakes or making your pictures match your style. But it's still important to take good photos from the start. Post-processing is a helpful tool, but it can't fix really bad pictures. Many photographers see it as a key part of making their photos look just right.

Welche Tipps würdest Du einem Hobbyfotografen geben, um bessere Fotos zu machen?

Learn Composition
Learn Lighting
Focus on tiny details
Keep learning because leanign never ends
and practice

Worin sollten angehende Fotografen und Fotografinnen unbedingt investieren und warum?

A good camera
Basic editing software
Photography classes or tutorials
Reliable storage for photos

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Bist du auf der Suche nach einem Fotostudio in München? Zum Beispiel für deine Hochzeit oder ein besonderes Shooting? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Hier findest du 7.000 Profis wie Chetan Kapoor.

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Im Anfrageformular kannst du Angebote von Fotostudios aus München erhalten. Fülle das Formular aus und gib deine Wünsche an. Wir kümmern uns darum, dass dir Angebote von Profis wie Chetan Kapoor zugeschickt werden. Du kannst die Angebote vergleichen und das Studio wwählen, das am besten zu dir passt.